Make an Appointment: (540) 735-6939 | [email protected]

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    My Services - Mi Servicios

    Servicios de Consejeria: individual; en grupo; en parejas

    Clases para entender mas relativo as sustancias; enojo/ira; relaciones; como evitar la violencia entre parejas/familial/o los demas

    Examenes para detectar el uso de alcohol y/o sustancias quimicas (drogas)

    Counseling services: individual; group sessions; couples

    Classes to better understand or gain assistance in substance use/misuse/addiction; anger/rage; relationships: how to stop the violence against a partner/family member/others

    Alcohol breath tests to detect alcohol use and/or drug test to detect the presence/use of substances (drugs)

    Anger Management

    Anger issues aren’t uncommon and the first step towards change is an admittance of the problem.


    We offer classes that enhance your therapy services.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    CBT is a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment.

    Conflict Resolution

    In any type of relationship, be it personal or professional, conflict is bound to happen.

    Counseling for Friends & Family of Addicts

    When we see this happen to a loved one, we do everything we can to help.

    Faith-Based Counseling

    Faith-based counseling that can heal the mind and the soul.

    Group Therapy

    Do you wish you had more of a sense of community in your life, instead of feeling alone?

    Individual Therapy

    Are you having a difficult time handling the struggles in your life?

    Life Transitions

    Has your life been touched by a major event such as a death, divorce, or layoffs at work?

    Personal Addiction Counseling

    More often than not, drug addictions start with the experimental use of a drug in social situations.


    Do you need support, but can’t make it to an in-person appointment?

    Translation Services

    Translation Services: English-Spanish/Spanish-English

    Women’s Issues

    Have you lost much of the joy you once felt? Are you struggling in an abusive or toxic relationship?

    Are you ready to take the first step?

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.